As technology continues to advance and becomes more and more sophisticated, how do we know what’s real and what’s fake? The best way to protect ourselves from being conned is to start recognizing the pattern of con jobs around us. Like the movie “Truman Show”, everything seems normal and routine; we might even ignore cracks on the ceiling and step over dead bodies and still not realizing something is off. Until one day so many things seem so off and beyond logic all at the same time that it forces us to pay attention. Only then do we start realizing our lives have been part of a movie script. We are being directed by puppet masters and there are patterns of how they are doing it everywhere.
Growing up in America in the good old days, I am lucky to have adopted the attitude of everything is solvable, and some smart people will find a good solution to treat COVID-19 soon enough. Sure enough, around June 2020, a group of brave American Frontline Doctors held a press conference in front of the capital announcing that they discovered COVID-19 can be treated with HCQ if we treat the patients early. Wow, that’s great news! Or is it? What happened next shocked me to the core.
Instead of being overjoyed with a great inexpensive solution found for appears to be a big problem for the whole world, the transmission of the press conference was abruptly yanked off! What’s going on???
What came after was chilling. The media went on an all-out attack on these doctors. They smeared them and every action aimed to destroy their reputations and livelihoods. The supposedly free speech social media not only step up on coordinated attack, but also start censoring and shadow ban any narrative that favors what the doctors were saying. This has never happened before. Or have they?
The behaviors were so surprising, out-of-bound and illogical that it shook me up and demanded that I pay attention and seek answers.
When we are looking for an answer, naturally we start with the source we thought we trust. That would be the mainstream media, the New York Times, and other major media outlets. It appears that they are all confirming what each other is saying. That should be comforting right? Except, they are literally saying the EXACT same thing, with same words and with same tones as if they were reading from the same script! Wow, what’s wrong with this picture? Who’s feeding them the same scripts? Why does REAL news sound like a pre-made script?
Do you know the worst part? When you ask a question about it, rather than getting a logical answer, you find yourself smeared, shut off and excluded. That sure does seem over the top. Or doesn’t it? What are they hiding? Not so trustworthy after all. How long has it been like this?
So, remember we were wondering who’s feeding the media the scripts? Now, that’s turnaround and listen to what the government is saying. Whoa, again, exactly the same thing! The same message, using the same words and the same tone! What’s even crazier? It’s not just one government saying it, it’s multiple governments around the world saying the same thing! Remember “Build Back Better”?
Since when in history have, we see anything and everything so synchronized and uniformed, down to the words used. If we know anything about free spirited human nature, truth comes in all forms, all shapes and at different times; it never comes in a nice package this way.
Do you see the pattern yet? Only people with an agenda need to synchronize, organize, and manage all communication. Only liars, cheaters, and people up to no good need to exercise such a control to deceive you from truth and nothing but the truth.
Protect yourself from this type of coordinated deception! Protect your freedom! Now that your eyes are wide open, please refuse to ever be manipulated this way ever again!
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