Educate Yourself on The Dangers of Ranked Choice Voting!
14 Ranked Choice Voting System Settings that Allow 276,480 Different Ways of Counting Your Votes!!!😱
Hum, why do they have a 9-digit decimal precision setting to count our vote? So, they can actually DISCOUNT our ONE vote!😱😱😱

Official Hearing Highlights and Analysis on Ranked Choice Voting
Alameda County
Alameda Ranked-Choice Voting Special Hearing 1-5-2023 Highlights
Below are some of the great analysis from Match Analysis. They did a deep dive into every aspect of 2022 Oakland Mayoral election to provide real facts on what really happened using ranked-choice voting:

City of Sunnyvale
Sunnyvale City Council 4/26/2022 meeting minutes – Motion to remove Ranked-Choice Voting provision
Sunnyvale tried it. They tested out Ranked-Choice voting on Feb 8, 2022 to appoint an interim councilmember following the resignation of City council Mason Fong. They discovered how easily Ranked Choice Voting can be manipulated and how error prone this method is. The City councils quickly made an U-Turn.

Santa Clara County
Cautionary tale: Santa Clara County voters passed Measure F in 1998, BEFORE there is even a way to process Ranked Choice Voting ballots and WITHOUT a BASIC understanding of how it actually works. The measure amended Santa Clara County charter and gave Board of Supervisors unilateral authority to use instant-runoff aka Ranked Choice Voting at will !
In 2023, California State Legislatures passed AB1227 to further PRESSURE Santa Clara County to implement Ranked Choice Voting!
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